The Samaritan
When two pals from Boston, Massachusetts go for a hike in the New Mexican desert and only one makes it out alive, questions begin to swirl about what happened.
The Expedition
In 2016 when a couple ventured into Kafue National Park in Zambia, Africa for a luxury hunting trip and only one of them returned to America alive…red flags started popping up.
The Forest
On Valentine’s Day in February 2020, the body of a young woman turned up dead in Olympic National Forest.
The Campgrounds
When a middle-aged couple camping alone in the Oregon woods in 2003 is gunned down in cold blood, the sole survivor is left to point police in the direction of a ruthless shooter.
The Biologist
When a biologist disappears into the Texas marshland he's charged with protecting, law enforcement comes together to find answers.
The Station
When a beloved caretaker is murdered in the remote Australian bushland of Alpine National Park, authorities suspect another employee of the homestead is to blame...but when a second body turns up, a harrowing reality sets in.
The Canyon
When a young Japanese tourist turns up dead inside one of the world’s most unique geologic formations in Arizona, a sacred Native American paradise becomes the epicenter of international media attention.
The Friends
When two friends sitting on a bench in an Ohio park are gunned down in cold blood, the investigators responsible for solving they murders are left dumbfounded.
The Suspect
One of the worst crimes to consume British headlines in 1986 leads authorities on a search for a killer who was in the thick of a murder investigation the entire time.